Tuesday, January 6, 2015


The application of green supply chain initiatives in the informal sector recycles electronic waste in the city of Surabaya is the main objective of this paper. This paper also describes the factors that encourage the recycling of electronic waste informal sector to contribute to the green supply chain. Green supply chain is one of the methods that contribute to the reduction of environmental issues and can provide economic benefits to all stakeholders. Although it has been widely used in several business sectors, little is known about the green supply chain, especially in the perspective of recycling electronic waste in the city of Surabaya. Data were obtained from a questionnaire survey of the informal sector of electronics waste in Surabaya. The questionnaire has been validated and standardized by UNEP adopted and modified for this study. The results of the study provide information that the readiness of the supply chain suppliers (0.891), consumer’s persuade (0.845), the
government contribution (0.795) and the role of non-governmental organizations (0.781) have a significant relationship to green supply chain initiatives. 
Keywords: e-waste, informal sectors, green supply chain, sustainability, Surabaya


Redesigned chair to reduce the levels of fatigue in the weighing process in the Quality Control Department: case study on PT. ABC

The growth of the company that focuses on the pharmaceutical sector and medications creates an increasingly competitive competition in Indonesia. The company is expected extra work to meet the needs of the market. As a result, it encourages fatigue in the workers. There are several factors on operator fatigue, physical fatigue is roughly 69. 44%, fatigue of work motivation approximately 60.72% and fatigue due to poor ergonomic working position approximately 71.43%. This study aimed to determine the level of risk posed by the adverse ergonomic chair and work desk in the weighing room. Method of Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) was applied to analyse the problems faced by the company. The data was collected through an observation method on workers by assessing and measuring the body posture of each sample operator. The anthropometry data processing includes the average value, standard deviation, maximum and minimum values, the data uniformity test, the test of data normality, percentile values. The study found that there were approximately 71.43% operators have difficulty in concentrating, pain throughout the body approximately 85.71%, and back pain roughly 85.71%. The study also indicates that the seat has a high level of risk and moderate the level of risk on the table in the weighing department. 

Keywords: Ergonomic, fatigue, anthropometry, work chair, redesign 


Aplikasi SWOT pada pengelolaan limbah elektronika: Studi kasus kota Surabaya

Pengelolaan limbah elektronika merupakan masalah yang cukup serius di hampir semua kota bahkan negara di dunia ini. Makalah ini merupakan studi kasus dari pengelolaan limbah elektronika di kota Surabaya. Dengan menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode SWOT dapat diaplikasikan pada studi partisipasi masyarakat di kota Surabaya. Penelitian secara kualitatif ini lebih fokus pada keterbatasan sumber daya pemerintah daerah dalam memberikan fasilitas yang tepat pada pelayanan pengelolaan limbah elektronika. Aplikasi SWOT digunakan guna merumuskan rencana aksi strategis pengelolaan limbah elektronika untuk mengeksplorasi dan memanfaatkan sumber daya masyarakat serta stakeholder yang terkait. Ini akan mendorong kerjasama yang lebih baik antar stakeholder di kota Surabaya melalui pendekatan partisipatif. Berdasarkan aplikasi SWOT memungkinkan para stakeholder untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai potensi metode dan sarana yang terkait dengan ancaman, peluang dan merubah kelemahan menjadi kekuatan dalam kaitannya dengan pengelolaan limbah elektronika. Melalui makalah ini, rencana implementasi strategis dapat dikembangkan pada setiap stakeholder untuk peningkatan pengelolaan limbah elektronika di kota Surabaya.
Kata kunci: SWOT, limbah elektronika, managemen strategi, stakeholder, Surabaya

Banyak orang beranggapan bahwa fotografi, adalah sebuah “hobi yang mahal”. Bagaimana tidak, untuk menekuni hobi yang satu ini, setidaknya harus menyisihkan biaya yang cukup besar. Sebagian orang masih setia atau bertahan dengan kamera lama, kamera saku, atau kamera ponsel. Apalagi dengan kemajuan teknologi ponsel, kenyamanan dan kemudahan dalam hal fotografi telah banyak dirasakan oleh semua orang. Akan tetapi, ketika seseorang telah merasa “serius” menekuni fotografi, dia akan mau merogoh dalam dalam saku tabungannya. Belum lagi tetek bengek perlengkapan dan peralatannya, dari seputar lensa, lighting, studio, assesoris dan lain-lain, setidaknya sudah cukup untuk membuat seorang terengah-engah mengucurkan keringat deras karena biaya nya yang tinggi.
Saya adalah seorang yang sedang menekuni fotografi walaupun hanya sekedar fotografer pemula. Foto yang saya tekuni adalah seputar objek jalanan, animal, benda, lanskap, manusia, perkotaan dan lain lain. Beberapa hasil jepretan saya ada di komunitas fotografer seperti pixoto dan national geography.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Application FMEA method in order to improve work system inAdvanced Engineering Division (AED): a case study of PT. ABC. Tangerang, Indonesia.

Sheet metal manufacturing is the an area of specialization PT. ABC. The company operates based on consumer demand. Wall Mounting Type (WM) is one type of customer ordered. In order to achieve the company's quality objectives needed time standard of design/drawing. However, in the process encountered several constraints occasionally, such as: the process of drawing/design is complicated and required accuracy. The problem arises due to the target of fulfilment and affordability of drawing/design is unsuitable. Consequently, this led to a delay in the drawing/design. This study uses an application of the Fishbone diagrams and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Data collection was performed by direct measurement of the time drawing/design and interviews on Advanced Engineering Division (AED). The study shows several information such as: the improvements were made through the creation of Autolisp programs, modify the layout of the room and establish monitoring job. The study also showed that there was a difference in the standard time measurement results before and after the use of application Autoslip programs. The application Autoslip programs proved the working process of the drafter of 75 minutes and 35 seconds to 35 minutes and 07 seconds. Thus, the drawing/design process declined approximately 10 minutes and 33 seconds. Target achieved after the company's implementing schemes to change the layout of the room and create monitoring job.

Keywords: FMEA, drawing/design, wall mounting, Autolisp


Sertifikasi Ekolabel Pada Industri Kertas

Terdapat beberapa kriteria yang harus dilakukan oleh sebuah industri apabila ingin mendapatkan sertifikasi ekolabel, hal ini termasuk dalam ...